Meeting with Representatives of the Companies «ROSOBORONEXPORT» and «DEFENSE SYSTEMS»

From 25 to 27 July 2016 the negotiation committee appointed by GDDIA to techniacally and financially evaluate the ROSOBORNEXPORT offer for thw subprogram ” for integrated technical support of the S-300PMU1 air defence missile system and 83M6E control systems and for extension of missiles’ service life”, met in the GDDIA premises  with Mr. Misin Igor, Chief of Directorate of Post – Sale Servicing and Logistic Support,  Mr.Kovalev Igor, Chief Expert of Directorate of Post-Sale Servicing and Logistic Support, Mr.Rabtsevich Vladimir Chief of Directorate of Post – Sale Servicing and Logistic Support, Mr.Dzuson Sergey Deputy Chief Directorate, Mrs. Kriuhkova Galina  Deputy Chief Finance Dpt, Mr.Lushev Alexey External Relations Dpt, Mr. Evtushenko Sergey Dpt of Anti missile system, Mr. Gavryushin Sergey Deputy Chief of Pricing Department of «ROSOBORONEXPORT» and «DEFENSE SYSTEMS» companies, escorted by the official «ROSOBORONEXPORT» representative in Greece, Mr. Danilovich Dmitry, and  Mr. Kazakov Andrey, Deputy Representative and discussed issues concerning the technical and financial offer of the company.