Act 3978/11 « Public Works, Service and Supply Contracts in the Domain of Defence and Security-Harmonization with Directive 2009/81/EU- Ministry of Defence Issues’ Regulations» (Attachment in Greek) June 21, 2016
Act 3883/10 « Advancement and Hierarchy of the Armed Forces Staff Members-Armed Forces Chain of Command and Conscription Issues, pertinent Provisions» (Attachment in Greek) June 21, 2016
Act 3433/06 « Procurement of Defence Material for the Armed Forces» (Attachment in Greek) June 21, 2016
Presidential Decree 73/06 « Structure, Competences and Staffing of the General Directorates for: a) Financial Planning and Support b) Defence Investments and Armaments c) National Defence and International Relations Policy of the MoD (Attach. in GR) June 21, 2016
Presidential Decree 284/89 Amendment Supplementation & Compilation of PD785/78 on Procurement Contracting & Execution of Works of the Armed Forces(Journal Sheet of the Gov A’181) as amended with PD909/81( A231) 525/85 (A190) & 292/88 (A136) (GR) June 21, 2016